Invite us

Invite us





[…] Beside this I am doing very well. So many people have been praying for me, but after you prayed for me I have never had fear anymore. I dealt with my sins and I prayed that I would never remember all the terrifying images that appeared at night before my eyes. 

It really is a miracle and a relief for me.


He continues to bless me more and more. He answers my prayers, I receive new songs and new words and I learn to know Him more and more intimately. Even my sister who have rejected Him for almost ten years came to me before this journey. I had never ceased to believe and to pray for her and now she came to request prayer. She told that she wanted to choose again. I never thought this would happen. It is still difficult for, but He gave me a Bible chapter as a promise to her. I will never let that go and I will continue to speak it over her life.


I wish you many blessings in South-Africa and I hope to see you afterwards during a youth meeting to hear how it has been.


Greetings, D.W

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