Invite us

Invite us





Mid December 2010, when it had been snowing and freezing over a lot, I was brought to a Christmas celebration by car. I opened the door and started walking on the slippery parking lot. Before I could realise what was happening, I slipped and fell on the ground… My knee hurt very badly.. Luckily some bystanders helped my getting up and they brought ice cubes for my injured knee, but that did not stop the pain. I could miss this as a single mother in the holiday period, especially as I had all kinds of difficulties in my life. Since I am getting older I have to take care for my body… But I kept on trusting God!


The last Sunday of that year I went to a meeting where Gregory was speaking about the “God of miracles”. Yes, my body and my life could experience some miracles. There are no coincidences. After the special and encouraging preaching I ran forward full of expectation and faith when there was an altar call. God’s presence was very tangible. Gregory puts his hands on my knees and he spoke out healing. After that he prayed shortly for the circumstances and needs in my life that urgently needed a miracle of God. Gregory did not know the specific circumstances and needs, but the Lord did!


From that Sunday on everything changed! Since the laying on of hands, my knee has been free of pain, but it felt strange, warm and cold, It is hard to describe. I knew that God was healing me! That evening my knee was completely healed! Hallelujah, thank You Jesus!!

The following week God intervened in a mighty way in my family… What a breakthrough!

Even my son who had been gradually walking further away from God the last year, is reading every day a Bible passage since that week and he is sincerely hungry for more of God. This is the most beautiful holiday gift that I could get… I want to glorify Jesus name with this story, glory to the Most High, He still is a God of miracles!! Thank You Lord!

God’s blessings, E.D.


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