Invite us

Invite us





Since childhood I have muscle problems, especially in my lower back. I did not sit still and tried different times to start sporting, but I had to stop every time because of inflammation in my muscles. It went from bad to worse until I decided to quit sporting and all activities that might have influence on my muscles.

I looked for help of any kind: doctors, massages, treatments, medications, injections,… Even the choice of my job was influenced by this problem. It took me a long time to find a job in which I felt good spiritually as well as physically. I did a variety of jobs. Finally I found a suitable job: estate agent. In this job I did office work, I was on the road and I met people.


After a few years with up and downs in this sector, I thought I had laid a good foundation to build upon. I decided to get my degree as estate agent and to go for it!!! But at that moment something happened…

On a rainy Saturday I started my day like usual hectically and busy.. I ran to my car and laid al my stuff on the passenger seat. I ran around the car to get in and slipped. When I realized what happened I saw a truck heading in my direction. Praise the lord that I was able to push myself aside so that I laid safe between the parked cars. I stayed there half an hour before any help came. I thought constantly “It is not that bad” en did not feel pain anymore. When the necessary help was on the spot it became clear to me that this was not an ordinary downfall but that there was more at stake…


When I arrived at the hospital, the situation became clearer. They rushed me to the operation room for an emergency operation. I had local anaesthetics through an injection in my back and they started to operate on me. After my foot had all the necessary care, the doctored entered my room and told me that I would have a long way to go to recover completely. It took seven months before I could walk again in a normal way with the help of arch support, massages, managed exercises… Of course this had an influence on my whole body and all my muscles.

This accident did not have a positive twist on my back problems, on the contrary… As a result of this downfall and the many visits to the doctor that followed, a lot of physical problems came to the surface. A series of investigations revealed that I had a double muscle inflammation on my pelvis, pelvic instability and inflammation on the lower back. On top of that I had several vertebras that were damaged… I had to buy a car with automatic transmission, because in the end I was not able anymore to change gears while driving.

At that moment  I had the feeling that I should learn to live with it and I have always been too proud to make the Lord my aches known… The pain became unbearable until a pastor noticed that I was not able to sit still during services. He came to me and ask me if he could pray for me. He told me that I do not have to be afraid to make the Lord my aches or needs known. A number of people prayed for me and I felt the Lord’s power running through me and my muscles were glowing. This encouraged me to continue to pray and to realise that we are enormously privileged to know the Lord and to know that he is our Healer and Saviour!!


A few weeks later I was in a meeting. The preacher told that it was on his heart to pray for someone in the room that had pain in the hip. I believed that the Lord wanted to help me, so I stepped in faith straight to the front with the expectation that the Lord was willing to heal me. He finished His job and He healed me from all the pain and all the disorders in my entire body!!!! Praise the Lord!!!

I am able to do a lot of things that I could not or was not allowed to do anymore!!! I want to share this with you to encourage you to never give up and to continue to believe that our God is good and that He wants to help you too!! Because He loves you too!!!


No matter how big the battle is, the breakthrough comes

Do not say “God, look at my problems”.

Do say “problems, look at my God”.


God riches blessings,

Violette Berteloot


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